neobux - earn money with paid to click sites

Neobux - make money with PTC sites

Neobux is a pay-per-click membership site run by an internet marketer name Rezk that pays members to click on advertiser links and visit their websites for a certain length of time. Advertisers buy clicks to their websites and program members earn a share of the revenue when they visit these websites. There is also a referral system in place so members can build downlines and earn from them.
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Quick info about neobux:

Company name Neobux Cashout 2$ Pay for visiting PTC - paid to click
Alexa Traffic Rank 458 Currency $ Pay for Registering no 
Online since 2008 Transfer no transfers payment in neobux Pay for Purchasing no
Forum Yes Check No check beruby Others no
Whois +info Paypal/Alertpay Paypal beruby Referrals 1 level of referrals
Countries International

Neobux detailed information:

Since it’s pre-launch in April 2008, NeoBux has been a slightly different paid to click site compared to your common “paid to click” site.
For starters NeoBux sets itself apart from the rest of the crowd with instant payments, no more waiting business days on your money, you receive your payment within seconds of requesting your money.

NeoBux Ads to click:

NeoBux usually has 6-10+ ads per day for standard members and 15+ for golden members. Some users may get less ads at times due to their country or region.

NeoBux Earnings:

NeoBux earnings are very good, as a standard member you will receive $0.01 per click on regular ads and $0.0150 per extended view ads, and you will receive $0.005 per referral click. As a premium member you will receive $0.01 per ad and $0.02 per extended view ads, and $0.01 per referral click. You will also earn 10% of any purchase one of your referrals make.

NeoBux Referrals:
NeoBux does offer referrals like any other PTC site, the only catch to the referral program is you cannot purchase referrals permanently, referrals are rented. Referrals can only be rented for a month at a time, this system may seem kind of lame but their are advantages. At anytime you can replace and inactive referral instantly from your control panel for just 8 cents. Another advantage to the renting system by enabling “autopay” from your user control panel, you can setup referrals to automatically pay for themselves so you do not have to handle making a monthly payment.

Referral renting prices for standard members are as follows: 3 referrals $0.93, 10 referrals $3.10, 20 referrals $6.20, 30 referrals $9.30, 50 referrals $15.50, 70 referrals $21.70 and 100 referrals $31.00. Aside from renting, there are referral jackpots and you can refer your own NeoBux referrals for free with your referral link you get after registering.

NeoBux Site Performance / Design:

The overall performance of the site is phenomenal, the design and layout is very professional and easy to navigate. Everything the site has to offer is well organized, you can really tell the site was built from the ground up. The user control panel offers a decent range of options, including graphs for tracking your clicks as well as your referrals clicks. NeoBux does offer an on-site forum which is integrated into the design of the site, there’s no need for two separate accounts like with most PTC sites whom offer a discussion forum.

NeoBux Support:

NeoBux has a forum and support system. The admin is online on the forums nearly everyday and is very active. NeoBux support responses are usually made within 24 hours of any inquiry or request.

NeoBux Payments:

NeoBux accepts and sends payments by AlertPay. Both standard and golden accounts have the instant cashout option, there is no waiting. You must have $3.00 minimum in your account to cashout.

Neobux Security:

To protect your funds and account from hackers, NeoBux has a very sophisticated security system which is secured by a 256-bit SSL. For extra account security, NeoBux allows for a users the option to have secondary password needed to login to the account. Additionally, for extra security, users can also order a NeoBux security card. Once the NeoBux security card is activated users can chose what level of security their account has. Every time the card is required, users will be asked 3 random positions in the card’s code, printed on the back. Failure to enter the codes after a few attempts will temporarily block your account and you’ll be warned by email. Even if someone has your password, your secondary password and even your email password, they will be blocked from making changes or performing transactions of any kind.

NeoBux also has a very unique auto-clicker blocking system, requiring you click on an ad, then click a second time on a red dot located somewhere in the ad box to view the ad and receive your earnings. This ensures for advertisers that only real people are visiting and viewing their advertisements on NeoBux. Aside from these features, NeoBux also has a unique way of “making” referrals active. In order to receive any earnings from your referrals, users must be actively clicking ads, if no ads are clicked a user will not receive their referrals earnings the following day.

Sign up for neobux Sign up now for neobux!

আপনি কি জানেন প্রতিদিন মাত্র কয়েক মিনিট কিছু বিজ্ঞাপনের উপর ক্লিক করে ও প্রতি মাসে লাখ লাখ টাকা উপার্জন করতে পারবেন ?

আপনি কি জানেন মাত্র ৩০ মিনিট প্রতিদিন ‍অনলাইনে কাজ করে ও আপনি প্রতি মাসে ৩ লক্ষ+ টাকা উপার্জন করতে পারেন ?কথাটি শুধু অবিশ্বাস্যকরই নয় হাস্যকর ও বটে । কিন্তু বাস্তবেই তা সম্ভব । তবে একদিনেই নয় ‍, বহু বছর সাধনা করার ও দরকার নেই । মাত্র এক সপ্তাহ কাজ করার পরথেকেই আপনি আপনার প্রতি মাসে ৩ লক্ষ+ টাকা উপার্জনের প্রমাণ আপনার হাতেই পাবেন । তা আসলেই সত্যি কোন গল্প নয় , সুন্দরভাবে স্বাচ্ছন্দে জীবন যাপন করার উপাখ্যান মাত্র । মনে হয় বিরক্ত হচ্ছেন ? একটু ধৈর্য্য ধরুন কারণ এর ফল মিঠে হয় । বলব । আসলেই বলব উপাখ্যানটা কি কিন্তু মনদিয়ে পড় হবে , কান দিয়ে শুনতে হবে এবং নির্দেশ মত কাজ করতে হবে । শ্রমের সাথে টাকা ইনভেষ্ট করতে হবে । কারণ, No invest , No business . 

মনে করনে  , আমার দশটা Computer আছে এবং একটি Qubee Internet Connection , আমার Neobux , Onbux , Palmbux এবং VCbux এর দশটা কম্পিউটারের এর প্রতিটিতে প্রত্যেকটি PTC Site ‌‌এর একটি করে Golden /Premium membership আছে । মেটি ৪০ টি Golden / Premium membership আছে । প্রত্যেকটি সাইটে আমার ২০০০ টি  Referral আছে  । এখুন হিসাব করেন  তো প্রতিদিন , প্রতি সপ্তাহ এবং প্রতি মাসে আমার কত ডলার ইনকাম হতে পারে শুধুমাত্র PTC Site থেকে । হিসাব করতে হিমসিম খচ্ছেন অথবা আমার কথা শুনে আমাকে চাপাবাজ মনে হচ্ছে অথবা ভাবছেন আমি কি পাগল হয়ে যাচ্ছি !!! না ! না !না ! তা হতেই পারিনা কারণ আমি পাগল হয়ে গেলে আপনাদের ইনটারনেটের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে আয় করা যায় তার গোপন তথ্য কে ফাস করে দিবে ??? কারণ যখন সবাই অনলাইনে আয়ের উপর সেমিনার নিয়ে ব্যস্ত । আবার বাংলাদেশের এমন ও সুনামধন্য ইউনিভার্সিটি কম্পিউটার ট্রেনিং সেন্টার আছে যেখানে অনলাইনে আয়ের উপর টাকার বিনিময়ে অনলাইনে আয়ের উপর কোর্স করানো হয় । কিন্তু শুনে অবাক হবেন অধিকাংশ যারা কোর্স করান তারা নিজেরাই অনলাইনে আয় করতে পারে কিনা যথেষ্ট সন্দেহে আছে  । যদি পারতেন তবে এই ধানবাজি ব্যবসা কেন ???এইবার আপনারাই হিসেব করেন আমি কি বলতে চেয়েছি হেডলাইনে । আমার হিসেবের চেয়ে আপনাদের হিসেব আশা করি অনেকগুন বেশী হবে ।

PTC Site  গুলি সাধারণত তাদের Payment Pay করে Alert Pay / Papal / Liberty Reserve / New letter এর মাধ্যমে । কিন্তু বাংলাদেশ থেকে একমাত্র Alert Pay এর টাকা দেশে আনা সহজ । কারণ Alert Pay এর Check বাংলাদেশের যে কোন ব্যাংকই Accept করে । তাই আপনারা সব সময় যদি PTC বা Paid to click Site গুলিতে কাজ করেন তবে শুধুমাত্র Alert Pay support করে এমন সাইটগুলিতে করবেন তাহলে তেমন কোন ঝামেলা পোহাতে হবেনা ।  তবে আর একটি কথা বলে রাখি অবশ্যই Verified Account ছাড়া কোথাও Invets করবেনা কারন Unverified means Fake Account  এবং তা নিয়ে নানা রকমের সমস্যা হতে পারে । যদি আপনার Alert Pay Account না থাকেনা তবে নিচের Banner / Picture  এর উপর Click করুন Alert Pay এর Website টি Open  হবে ।Website টি Open হলে আপনি Sing up Click করে Registration করে ফেলুন । আর পিটিসি সাইট গুলিতে রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করার সময় যেখানে Paypal Account বসাতে বলে Just নামে মাত্র আপনার Personal Email ID টা ও লিখে দিতে পারেন তাতে কোন সমস্যা নাই কারন আপনি তো Pay out দিবেন Alert Pay Account  এ । Alert Pay তে রেজিষ্ট্রশন করার জন্য নিচের Banner / Picture এ ক্লিক করুন :

Instant Pay(Golden member)

Instant Pay(Golden member)

“বিশেষ সতর্কীকরণ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ”:
শ্রদ্ধেয় PTC Worker ভাই ও বোনেরা সালাম নিবেন ।
আপনাদের পিটিসি সাইটে কাজ করেন ভাল আয় করতে হলে কিছু নিয়ম কানুন কঠোরভাবে মেনে চলতে হবে ।তা হলে বাড়া ভাবে ফ্যান পড়বে ।
(১) একটি মাত্র কম্পিউটার থেকে একই সাইটে একটির বেশী একাউন্টে কাজ করবেন না । করলে আপনার একাউন্টির জন্য পড়তে হবে ইননালিল্লাহে ওয়া ইন্নালিল্লাহে রাজিউন ।
(২) একই ইন্টারনেট লাইন শেয়ার করে একাধিক পিসিতে কাজ করবেননা । তাহলে ফলাফল একই হবে ।
(৩)  প্রতি ক্লিক এ একসেন্ট এর বেশি দেয় এমন সাইটে কখনও কাজ করবেন না । একটু ভাবুন তো যদি প্রতি ক্লিক এ ১ ডলার বা ১০ ডলার দেয় তাহলে কি বারাক ওবামা আমেরিকার প্রেসিডেন্টের ‍অশান্তির গুরু দায়িত্ব পালন করতে না সি বিচে ডার্লিং নিয়ে ল্যাপ ওন করে শুধু  ক্লিক করতে ।
(৪) কখন ও নিজে নিজে ডাইরেক্ট রেফারেল তৈরি করবেন না বা একে বারেই করবেন না শুধু মাত্র রেফারের রেন্ট করবেন ।
(৫) নিয়মিত পারলে ফোরামের বিভিন্ন সদস্যের মতামত পড়বেন আপনার মতামত দিবেন ।
(৬)একই সময়ে বিভিন্ন সাইটে লগইন করবেন মজিলা ফায়াফক্স দিয়ে যাতে কয়েকটি সাইটের এড একসাথে দেখতে পারেন এতে সময় প্লাস ইন্টারনেটের বিল কম হবে ।
(৭) ক্লিক করার সময় ডার্লিং othoba karo সাথে মোবাইলে কথা , ফেসবুক বা ইয়াহুতে চ্যাট করবেনা ।
(৯) প্রতি সপ্তাহে রেফারেল রেন্ট , রিসাইকেল এবং যদি রিনিউ করার দরকার হয় তবে তা করবেন।

ONAK A JANTE CAHAICHEN J SOMOISSHA TAR SOMADHAN DEYA HOLO:  জিপি, একটেল , বাংলা লিংক , জুম ULTRA মডেম দিয়ে পিটিসি সাইটে কাজ করার সমস্যার সমাধান.
পিটিসি সাইটে মডেম দিয়ে রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করার আমরা প্রায় যে মেসেজ টা পাই তা হল You’re IP is already being used so you’re not permitted to signup again এবং View advertisements ক্লিক করার সময় Another user using your IP address already viewed this advertisement in the last 24 hours । এইক্ষেত্রে আপনারা খুব সহজ পদ্ধতিতেই সমস্যার সমাধান করতে পারেন যদিও একটু সময় লাগতে পারে । তা হল আপনি আপনার মডেমের ইন্টারনেট কানেকশন টি ডিসকানেট করবেন । আবার কানেট করবেন এবং মজিলা ফায়ার ফক্সের Tools এ ক্লিক করে Clear Recent History এ ক্লিক করবনে । এইভাবে করলে ইনশাল্লাহ সমস্যার সমাধান হবে । তবে কয়েক বার টেষ্টাও করা লাগতে পারেন ।

What are NeoBux Earning Tips & Tricks Strategies ?

1. NeoBux Background

Before we start discussing about the NeoBux Tips and Tricks strategy, let us briefly discuss what is NeoBux really about. NeoBux is an innovative modern PTC (Paid To Click) website, and this is not the PTC site you used to know. Unlike many other PTC sites, NeoBux goal is to innovate and reach the needs of our users as well as our advertisers.
NeoBux site is completely designed from scratch because, as users of other PTC sites NeoBux were sure that, besides many other offers, none could give us what we wanted as users or advertisers.

NeoBux for sure is the innovation in PTC that you can actually make some money. You get paid by clicking on advertisers' Ads, typically $0.01 per Click. It doesn't sound like a lot, but if you employ a good strategy, particularly with the magic of "NeoBux Rent Referral", you will be in an auto-pilot state collecting money 24/7. You can easily make up to $9,000 per year extra money with NeoBux.

And because rent-a-ref is such a unique and important feature, most of NeoBux Tips and Tricks strategies are essentially related to how you deal with referrals renting.

2. NeoBux Tips and Tricks Strategy for Standard Member

If you are good at convincing people or if you have big community network to join NeoBux under your referral name, you can enjoy some nice earning in NeoBux as a standard member. Otherwise, it is very hard for standard members to make real meaningful money. "How about renting referrals?" You may ask. Sorry to tell you, it is not profitable to rent referrals as a standard member. You have to keep your AVG (average clicks per day per ref) above 2.0 to make a profit. Otherwise, you could probably even lose money. Why? The reason is simple, you only get 50% earning from your referrals.

For the purpose of discussion, let us assume you paid $30 for 100 referrals, so each referral costs you $3 per month. The referral has to click 60 ads (2 clicks per day) just for you to break even.

Your Earning = 2*30*$0.01*50% = $3
your profit = $3- $3 = $0

Is it possible to rent hard-working referrals to keep AVG above 2, 3, or 4? Yes, it is possible, only if you are very lucky and rent only a few referrals. If you try to rent more than 50 referrals, then statistics rules, that is, an AVG of 1.5 to 2.0.

My recommendation is, don't even try to rent a large number of referrals if you are a standard member. However, this is the tricky part, you probably need to rent a certain number of referrals (200 -300) before you upgrade to Gold membership soon because it is easier to rent as a standard member than a gold member.

3. NeoBux Tips and Tricks Strategy for Gold Member

Gold member, on the other hand, requires lower average number of clicks (AVG) from referrals to break even. So if the AVG is above 1.0, you are basically in profit already. Lot of people may have written about NeoBux on internet. Some showed their payment proof, some showed the basics of NeoBux, and very few explained the details how they made money with NeoBux, particulaily using the referral renting feature. What I am going to show you is the step by step implementation of a good and scientific sound NeoBux Tips and Tricks Strategy. The banner above shows my current earning, it is not a whole lot now, but it matches closely to the earning schedule below, and I encourage you check back frequently to see how it goes.

Earning Simulation for NeoBux Gold Member

Click to enlarge Image

Click to enlarge Image
The table and figure above are the simulation of earning week by week for the first 20 weeks. It seems a little complicated, but it is actually quite simple when you follow the explanation step by step below.

4. NeoBux Referral Renting Step by Step Implementation

Week 1 - First you will need to create a Paypal account to pay as mentioned below

So let's start : Most you are not familiar with earnings with paid to click. That's why I want to show you my step-by-step guide (that won't be very hard for you, but it will be I have an video guide to show you)

Manual Steps To Complete :

Step 1 : Register a PayPal or AlertPay or payza account.

Step 2 :
Download FireFox

Step 3 : Create a new
Gmail Account (for your Security Aspect)

Step 4 : Take a look at the best websites that pay you to click (located below, make sure you read the reviews of all websites to register at)

Rent 100 referrals, NeoBux charges $25/month$6.25/week) for 100 rented referrals. Although you can start FREE to accumulate your earning to rent referrals, putting a small amount of money will accelerate the process a lot, and your earning will be much more than your investment pretty soon. Statistically, the number of clicks for a referral is 1.5 per day, so
Week 1- Earning =100*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 4*7*0.01 (self clicks)=$10.8
Cost = $25 (rent 100 referrals)

Week 2 - Rent another 100 Referrals, so
Week 2- Earning = 200*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 4*7*0.01 (self clicks) = $21.3
Cost = $25 (rent 100 referrals) + $11.3 (referral renewal) + 1.6 (recycling) = $37.9

(1). You can only register as Standard Membership for the first couple of weeks, and the earning is $0.005/click for referrals (We simplied the calculate here using $0.01 for the first two weeks).
(2). NeoBux has an "Autopay" feature for rent referral renewal with 10% discount and assume 25% of the referrals will be renewed. i.e., so weekly renewal cost = 200*25%($25/100)*0.9 = $11.3
(3) Assume 10% recycling rate, i.e., 10% of referrals will be recycled each week, the recycling cost = 200*10%*0.08= $1.6

Week 3 - Rent another 100 Referrals, and upgrade to Golden Membership for $90 per year. This is highly recommended because you will earn $0.01 per click for your referrals to double your earning. So,
Week 3 Earning = 300*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 10*7*0.01 (self clicks) = $32.2
  Cost = $25 (rent new 100 referrals) + $16.9 (rent renewal) + $2.4 (recycling) + $90 (membership) = $134.3

In the following weeks, you repeat the same thing adding 100 referrals every week. You can reinvest the earning to rent referrals. Of course, you need to spend 10-20 minutes a day to click a few Ads; otherwise the earnings from referrals will not be credited to your account. You can refer to the table and figure above for the earning and cost for each weeks. Please also note that you will need around $150 initial investment to get started to accelerate the earning.

Week 20 - By now, you should have reached the 2000 referrals limit by reinvesting what you have earned to rent more referrals every week.

Week 20 Earning = 2000*1.5*7*0.01 (Refs clicks) + 10*7*0.01 (Self Clicks) = $210.7
Cost = $25 (rent new 100 referrals) + $112.5 (rent renewal) + $16 (recycling) = $153.5

and all ptofit:
Profit = $210.7 - $153.5 = $57.2

From this point on, the earning and cost will be stabilized, because you have reached the 2000 rented referrals limit. Since you can't buy new referrals any more, your cost will be only for referral renewal and recycling, which is $112.5 (rent renewal) + $16 (recycling) = $128.5. Your earning will still be $210.7 per week (same as week 20). Therefore, your weekly profit becomes $210.7 - $128.5 = $82.2 per week, or $356 per month! That doesn't sound too bad, right?

5. NeoBux Tips and Tricks Strategy for Ultimate Member

It gets harder and harder these days to rent referrals because more and more people are fighting for referrals. The referrals can be easily rented out even one minute after the clock because so many people out there are trying to rent the referrals. You snooze, you lose.

As an alternative, I paid another $890 to upgrade to Ultimate Pack because I have a full-time job and I want to spend less time on this. However, the money spent should pay off fairly quickly. It guarantees that the rented referrals are delivered to you on time and on a accelerated rate, which is 200 rent referrals every 4 days, or approximately 300 referrals per week! Once you reach the maximum 4,000 rented referrals for Ultimate Pack, you can earn as much as $177 per week profit, or $9,200 a year! See Table 2 and Figure 2 below. I will explain the cost and earning for week 20 as an example.

Week 20 Earning = 4,000*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 15*7*0.02 (self clicks) = $422.1
Week 20 Cost = 4,000*25%*$0.25*90% (referral renewal) + 4,000*10%*$0.05 = $245
Profit = $ 422.1 - $ 245 = $177.1 per week, or $767 per month

Again, the assumptions are:

a. 1.5 average clicks per referral per day (AVG)
b. 25% referrals are renewed every week, or all 4,000 are renewed every month.
c. 10% referrals are recycled every week, or 40% of all referrals are recycled every month.
d. Autopay is turned on to get 10% discount on referral renewal.

If you want to want to try different assumptions, plug your numbers into the number equations above to get an idea. It is impossible for me to present all the scenarios in this article here.

In summary, the NeoBux Tips and Tricks strategy for Ultimate Members is not a whole lot different than that for gold members. It wins because it has larger number of referrals which are basically your working force. No selling here, I have to mention that NeoBux provides a lot of nice features for ultimate members to reduce the cost for account maintenance, such as 7 days for free recycling, discounted rate for recycling, discounted rate for referral renting, 30 days of vacation mode etc. You got what you paid for, right?

Earning Simulation for NeoBux Ultimate Member (Table)

Click to enlarge Image
Click to enlarge Image

What are you waiting for? My referrals are busy clicking and earning money for me while I am working, jogging, or sleeping. If you don't feel comfortable putting money in first, then work your way up from the free standard membership until you earn enough to upgrade. Realizing there are other factors leading to your success with NeoBux, I hope this NeoBux money making strategy discussed here can at least give you some brief reference to set up a reasonable expectation.

  NeoBux moneymaking Tips

What is NeoBux?

NeoBux is modern way of earning money online by just browsing online provide NeoBux Dev team.

Unlike the other Paid to Click providers NeoBux provides instant pay out and reach advertisers and users much possible.

How much you earn when you join as Standard Member?

· Earn $0.010 per standard view and $0.015 for Extended view
· Earn $0.005 per standard view and $0.010 for Extended view
· Click 4 – 5 ads per day
· Details statistics of direct and rented referral ad clicks, Recycle value and much more….

How much you earn when you join as Golden Member?

· Earn $0.010 per standard view and $0.020 for Extended view
· Earn $0.010 per standard view and $0.020 for Extended view
· One year Golden membership fee $90
· Click 9 – 12 ads per day
· Buy 100 referrals for $21 and get discount up to 20% when you extend referral for 90 days.
· Details statistics of direct and rented referral ad clicks, Recycle value and much more….



Rental Queues


50 ref.


100 ref.

200 ref.

Referrals per Pages 
(Referral's Listing)





Inactivity Days Free Replacement 

14 days

12 days

14 days

10 days

7 days
Vacation Modes


7 days


15 days

30 days
Rental waiting day

6 days

7 days

5 days

7 days

4 days
Recycle Discount per Referral





Days between cash outs

3 days

4 days

2 days

4 days

1 day
Maximum Referral Package Available





Auto Pay Minimum Days  Limit 

20 days

18 days

20 days

14 days

10 days
Maximum Limit to Rent Referral





Maximum Amount of Direct Referral





Monthly Payment Discount (above $0.20)





Available Advertisement





Your Standard Advertisements Clicks Value 





Earnings and profits statistics 





Maximum allowed private message in 24  hours 





Referrals activity distributions filter.







Same feature as Golden

    New/Improved Feature

GOLDEN UPGRADE pack charges from Golden Member
Upgrade from Upgrade to Price
Emerald Sapphire $40
Platinum / Diamond $260
Ultimate $690
Sapphire Emerald $40
Platinum / Diamond $260
Ultimate $690
Platinum Diamond $90
Ultimate $490
Diamond Platinum $90
Ultimate $490
Upgrading won't extend your current pack expiration dates

When can I start referring direct referrals?

· Direct referrals can be earned only afer 100 ads click and 30 days of membership

When my NeoBux Account Suspended?

· After 30 days of account inactivity account will be temporarily disabled and after 60days account will be permanently disabled.

How many NeoBux account can I have?

· If you register more than one account, all NeoBux accounts used with computer will be disabled.

Can I have multiple computers with single internet?

· No, one account per account, offended accounts are disabled.

   How much can I earn with Standard membership?

You can earn such much as you can refer your friends, every ad click will earn you money.


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